Thanks to cleanup of groundwater, San Fernando celebrates its ‘water independence’ – Daily News

The City of San Fernando celebrated a water milestone on Thursday, Sept. 5.

State Sen. Caroline Menjivar and Metropolitan Water District Board Chair Adan Ortega joined San Fernando’s mayor and City Council members to “turn off the valve” and mark the city’s “return to water independence.”

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Thanks to its system of groundwater wells and treatment systems, the city is able to again rely on its own water and was able to shut off outside water resources from MWD.

Menjivar, Ortega, Mayor Celeste Rodriguez, Vice Mayor Mary Mendoza, City Council members Mary Solorio and Victoria Garcia, as well as San Fernando MWD Chair Adán Ortega all helped the city celebrate its “independence” at San Fernando’s water booster station.

City crews and MWD were able to remove nitrates — remnants from the community’s agricultural past — from their ground water wells and bringing them back online.

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